USFFA Committees
Committee on Committees
Reviews all bylaws and coordinates faculty governance across the university
Chair: J Garrett-Walker, jgw@usffa.net
Facilitates communication between and among members, Policy Board, standing committees, other unions, and the public.
Leigh Meredith, leigh@usffa.net -
Finance Committee
Oversees USFFA yearly budget.
Chair: Anthony Patino, tony@usffa.net -
Grievance Committee
Pursues any violations of the Collective Bargaining Agreement
Sarah Burgess, sarah@usffa.net -
Membership Engagement
Trains members in collective rights and provides methods of communication. Organizes member education and advocacy such as the ACP Workshops and Tenure & Promotion information sessions.
Chair: Benjamin Levy, ben@usffa.net
Solidarity Committee
Works with other bargaining units on USF’s campus and in the city of San Francisco. Some members of this committee sit on the San Francisco Labor Council.
Chair: Brandi Lawless, brandi@usffa.net
Probationary Caucus
A group for Pre-Tenure Faculty and Librarians.
Adrienne Johnson, ajohnson21@usfca.edu -
Term Faculty Caucus
A group for Term Faculty USFFA Members.
Patrick McDonnell, mcdonnell@usfca.edu
Seenae Chong, srchong@usfca.edu