2021-22 Issues & Actions
2021-22 Motions Passes by USFFA
Motion calling for a more equitable approach to sharing the 2021 surplus
December 1, 2021
official statement
Whereas the USFFA recognizes the good will evident in the decision to share the university surplus with employees, and whereas our members sincerely appreciate receiving at least a portion of the previously-negotiated cost of living adjustment (COLA) that we sacrificed in our 2020-2021 negotiations;
Whereas we are, at the same time, inspired by the Jesuit value of Magis, and believe that the university can take this opportunity to lead in an even more generous and equitable way;
Whereas we understand the accounting logic of the one-time payment to employee groups who haven’t received COLAs this year, we also recognize that this logic has left out several essential employee groups at a time when they continue to struggle with pandemic-related challenges;
Whereas the decision to make these payments took place without shared-governance consultation with the University Budget Advisory Council (UBAC);
We therefore urge the administration in the strongest terms, in the spirit of the call for shared sacrifice that has guided our pandemic debates, negotiations, and rebuilding: Do not leave our colleagues behind. The surplus is large enough to be shared more equitably. Share the wealth of the $20 million surplus with every USF employee.
USFFA Statement of Solidarity with Survivors of Sexual Violence
November 3, 2021
official statement
The full-time faculty and librarians stand in solidarity with survivors of sexual violence at the University of San Francisco. We unequivocally condemn sexual violence on and off campus and support student demands for institutional transparency, accountability, and change. Listening to the voices of survivors on campus, we are profoundly disappointed that our university repeatedly failed to support survivors. We applaud the extraordinary bravery of those survivors who came forward, bringing this serious, campus-wide problem to light. We believe you, and we support your initial and ongoing demands. We welcome the first steps the administration has taken to respond to your demands, and commit to work with you as you continue to fight for sexual and gender justice on campus, in our teaching and curricula, as demanded by our university’s core value of cura personalis. And, following the words of our Mission, “Inspired by a faith that does justice, we strive to humbly and responsibly engage with, and contribute to” larger communities we belong to, we commit to fighting for sexual and gender justice at the broader societal level.