USFFA Events

Tenure and Promotion Workshops

If you are seeking tenure or a promotion, your union is here to help you! Workshops will be held on April 20, 11:45am - 12:45pm, and  April 21, 12:00-1:00pm, via Zoom. The workshops will be led by Tami Spector (CAS) and Noah Borerro (SOE). 

April 20, 2021 11:45am-12:45pm
April 21, 2021 12:00-1:00pm

*USFFA members check your email for Zoom links to all events.

June 2020 Events

*USFFA members check your email for Zoom links to all events.

Community Meeting: Health and Safety at USF
Thursday, June 11, 1:00-2:00pm, via Zoom
Kelly L'Engle, co-chair of the Public Health Advisory Group will present their working group's recommendations to the USF administration, with a particular emphasis on aspects that pertain to faculty. After her presentation, we will invite questions and also solicit feedback from members. This community meeting is being organized by the three members of the Negotiating Team that are focusing on health and safety: Xornam Apedoe, Keally McBride and Mike Webber. 

Workshop: USF Budget 101 
Tuesday June 16, 1-2pm, via Zoom
This workshop is to help members to understand the categories that make up USF’s budget and to help us read and interpret the budget. Understanding the budget and identifying liquid and unrestricted assets and revenues will support our arguments that those resources should be used to make up for net revenue shortfalls before decreasing members’ compensation. Presented by the NAT Budget Research Team (Stephen Devlin, Monica Hudson, Daniel Rascher, Richard Stackman, Ronald Sundstrom, and Jacqueline Taylor).
Slides available here.